
Deadline: 03/31/2011 - Call for Papers - VirtaThon | The online conference for the Oracle, Java & MySQL Communities

Get Paid to Speak!
Call for Papers Deadline: March 31, 2011.
No Travel Required to speak at VirtaThon! Interested in speaking at the largest Online Conference for the Oracle, Java & MySQL Communities? Accepted Speakers will get paid upto a maximum of $5000*. The Speaker Compensation will be based on a factoring model taking into consideration various parameters such as presentation history, popularity of speaker, no. of sessions delivered etc. Best of all, you don't have to travel to speak: Speak and present from the comfort of your broadband Internet Connection from anywhere in the world.

Call for Papers: Propose NOW!

Speaker Registration: http://www.brainsurface.com/virtathon/node.add.speakers/
Propose a Session: http://www.brainsurface.com/virtathon/node.add.session/

About VirtaThon
This online event is intended to be the largest Independent "Virtual Conference" for the Oracle, Java & MySQL Communities with hundreds of Expert Speakers and Sessions. VirtaThon was conceived to revolutionalize Online Conferencing focusing on the core goal of facilitating the inexpensive dissemination of expert knowledge to the masses.
Almost everyone of us would like to attend world-class physical conference events but, given these globally tough economic times that we live in, can we afford the costs of attendance, travel, time-off, lodging and such? How about attending a conference from the comfort of your PC whereever you are OR choose to be in the world for an amazingly low attendance price?
The biggest prohibiting reasons in attending physical Professional Conferences translate into various inhibiting factors such as travel, time-off, lodging, not to mention the attendance fees that can easily run into the thousands of dollars. VirtaThon bridges this gap and makes it incredibly easy to attend a 6-day Conference event from the comfort of your PC: All you need is a broadband Internet connect and voilà: you are right there: attending hundreds of Cutting-Edge Expert-level sessions and Interacting/Benefiting from World-Renowned Experts in the Oracle, Java & MySQL domains.
Last and most importantly, VirtaThon aptly addresses the attendance cost factor by offering an amazingly low price that attendees can easily afford, no matter which worldwide geograhical and economic demograhic they belong to! Got VirtaThon? Sign-Up NOW!

Contact BrainSurface with questions, concerns & ideas
Contact Us +1-781-420-5789
Queries, concerns, suggestions? Thoughts, brainstorming, light-bulbs? Have an idea on how to improve the VirtaThon experience? Have a question? Give us a holler right now!
Disclaimer: VirtaThon, BrainSurface Oracle, Java & MySQL Users Group (BOJMUG) and BrainSurface are not affiliated or supported by Oracle Corporation and its affiliates/subsidiaries.
*Speakers will only get paid if the event Income - Expenses > $0. Speakers will not be paid or compensated in any form, shape or manner, if they are an employee of an organization, entity or a government entity that prohibits them from accepting compensation for their presentations.
Looking forward for your positive response....


Converting your single-instance database to RAC with RCONFIG

As part of our ongoing FREE Oracle RAC conference series, I had presented a session about 'Convert your single-instance database to RAC with RCONFIG' on 17th March 2011 at BrainSurface.com. I am uploading the PDF version of my presentation here at my blog for your reference.

RAC Migration with RCONFIG

Feel free to comment.

Best Regards,



Call for Papers for JavOraThon Online Web conference

Well, first thing is first..

No Travel Required to speak at JavOraThon and Get Paid to Speak!.....
Call for Papers Deadline: March 31, 2011.

Interested in speaking at the largest Online Conference for the Oracle, Java & MySQL Communities? Accepted Speakers will get paid upto a maximum of $5000*. The Speaker Compensation will be based on a factoring model taking into consideration various parameters such as presentation history, popularity of speaker, no. of sessions delivered etc. Best of all, you don't have to travel to speak: Speak and present from the comfort of your broadband Internet Connection from anywhere in the world.

URLS: Call for Papers
Speaker Registration: http://www.brainsurface.com/javorathon/node.add.speakers/

Propose a Session: http://www.brainsurface.com/javorathon/node.add.session/

To know more about JaOraThon, visit us at : http://www.brainsurface.com/javorathon

Looking forward for your positive response...
