
Oracle Exadata Database Machine Implementation Essentials - Exam cleared

I have cleared my 'Oracle Exadata Database Machine Implementation Essentails' exam on 9-July-2015. This has been really one of the good weeks of my life. My latest Oracle book, 'Oracle Exadata Expert's Handbook' was released on 6-July-2015, passed the exam on 9-July-2015, can't ask for more.

Thank you my dears and nears.

Oracle Exadata Expert's Handbook - is out now

I am happy to share a good news with the Oracle community today. Our latest book 'Oracle Exadata Expert's Handbook' authored by well-known Oracle gurus is hit the racks on 6-July-2015.

Contents if you wish know what has been covered in this book

Order your copy now at Pearson or Amazon

We hope the book will meet your expectations and will add more knowledge your skill set.