
Oracle R Enterprise Server Configuration

Oracle R Enterprise Server Overview

Oracle R Enterprise includes several components on the server. Together these components enable an Oracle R Enterprise client to interact with Oracle R Enterprise Server.
The server-side components of Oracle R Enterprise are: 
  • Oracle Database Enterprise Edition (64bit)
  • Oracle R Distribution or open source R
  • Oracle R Enterprise Server
Oracle R Enterprise Server consists of the following: 
    • The rqsys schema
    • Metadata and executable code in sys
    • Oracle R Enterprise Server libraries in $ORACLE_HOME/lib (Linux and UNIX) or %ORACLE_HOME%\bin (Windows)
    • Oracle R Enterprise R packages in $ORACLE_HOME/R/library (%ORACLE_HOME%\R\library on Windows)

Oracle R Enterprise Server Requirements

Before installing Oracle R Enterprise Server, verify your system environment, and ensure that your user ID has the proper permissions.

Oracle R Enterprise runs on 64-bit platforms only.
·        Linux x86-64
·        Oracle Solaris
·        IBM AIX
·        IBM AIX

Oracle Database must be installed and configured as described
·        Oracle R Enterprise requires the 64-bit version of Oracle Database Enterprise Edition.

Installing Oracle R Enterprise Server

verify if ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID, R_HOME, PATH, and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables are properly set. For example, you could specify values like the following in a bashrc file:

export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/
export R_HOME=/usr/lib64/R
export PATH=$PATH:$R_HOME/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/bin

Download Oracle R Enterprise Server

Go to the Oracle R Enterprise home page on the Oracle Technology Network:.
http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/options/advanced-analytics/r-enterprise/Opens a new window
Select Oracle R Enterprise Downloads. On the Downloads page, select Oracle R Enterprise Server and the Supporting Packages for Linux. The following files are downloaded for Oracle R Enterprise 1.4.1.


Login as root, and copy the installers for Oracle R Enterprise Server and the supporting packages across nodes. For example:

$ dcli -g nodes -l oracle mkdir -p /home/oracle/ORE
$ dcli -g nodes -l oracle -f ore-server-linux-x86-64-1.4.1.zip -d 
$ dcli -g nodes -l oracle -f ore-supporting-linux-x86-64-1.4.1.zip -d 

Unzip the supporting packages on each node:
$ dcli -t -g nodes -l oracle unzip   
     /home/oracle/ORE/ore-supporting-linux-x86-64-1.4.1.zip -d 

 Install Oracle R Enterprise server components:
$ dcli -t -g nodes -l oracle "cd /my_destination_directory; ./server.sh -y
      --admin --sys syspassword --perm permtablespace
      --temp temptablespace --rqsys rqsyspassword
      --user-perm usertablespace --user-temp usertemptablespace
      --pass rquserpassword --user RQUSER"

Installing Oracle R Enterprise Server interactively:
$ ./server.sh -i

Oracle R Enterprise 1.4.1 Server.

Copyright (c) 2012, 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Checking platform .................. Pass
Checking R ......................... Pass
Checking R libraries ............... Pass
Checking ORACLE_HOME ............... Pass
Checking ORACLE_SID ................ Pass
Checking sqlplus ................... Pass
Checking ORACLE instance ........... Pass
Checking CDB/PDB ................... Pass
Checking ORE ....................... Pass

Choosing RQSYS tablespaces
  PERMANENT tablespace to use for RQSYS [list]: DATA
  TEMPORARY tablespace to use for RQSYS [list]: TEMP1
Choosing RQSYS password
  Password to use for RQSYS:

Choosing ORE user
  ORE user to use [list]:

ORE user to use [list]: OREUSER1

Current configuration
  R Version ........................ Oracle Distribution of R version 3.1.1  (--)
  R_HOME ........................... /usr/lib64/R
  R_LIBS_USER ...................... /u01/app/oracle/product/
  ORACLE_HOME ...................... /u01/app/oracle/product/
  ORACLE_SID ....................... OFSAPRD1

  Existing R Version ............... None
  Existing R_HOME .................. None
  Existing ORE data ................ None
  Existing ORE code ................ None
  Existing ORE libraries ........... None

  RQSYS PERMANENT tablespace ....... DATA
  RQSYS TEMPORARY tablespace ....... TEMP1

  ORE user type .................... Existing
  ORE user name .................... OREUSER1
  ORE user PERMANENT tablespace .... DATA
  Grant RQADMIN role ............... No

  Operation ........................ Install/Upgrade/Setup

Proceed? [yes] y

Removing R libraries ............... Pass
Installing R libraries ............. Pass
Installing ORE libraries ........... Pass
Installing RQSYS data .............. Pass
Configuring ORE .................... Pass
Installing RQSYS code .............. Pass
Installing ORE packages ............ Pass
Creating ORE script ................ Pass
Installing migration scripts ....... Pass
Installing supporting packages ..... Pass
Granting ORE privileges ............ Pass





How to install Oracle R Enterprise (ORE) on Exadata

Very recently, we have deployed ORE (R Distribution and R Enterprise) 3.1.1 packages on 4 node Exadata environment. This blog will discuss the prerequisites and procedure to deploy Oracle R Distribution v3.1.1.

Note: Ensure you have a latest system (root and /u01) backup before you deploy the packages on the db server.

What is R and Oracle Enterprise

R is third-party, open source software. Open source R is governed by GNU General Public License (GPL) and not by Oracle licensing. Oracle R Enterprise requires an installation of R on the server computer and on each client computer that interacts with the server.

Why Oracle R Distribution? 
  • Oracle R Distribution simplifies the installation of R for Oracle R Enterprise.
  • Oracle R Distribution is supported by Oracle for customers of Oracle Advanced Analytics, Oracle Linux, and Oracle Big Data Appliance.

What is needed for R Distribution deployment for Oracle Linux 6?

The Oracle R Distribution RPMs for Oracle Linux 6 are listed as follows:

If the following dependent RPM is not automatically included, then download and install it explicitly:

The picture below depicts the ORE client/server installation steps:

Description of Figure 1-2 follows

Oracle R Distribution on Oracle Linux Using RPMs

Oracle recommends that you use yum to install Oracle R Distribution, because yum automatically resolves RPM dependencies. However, if yum is not available, then you can install the RPMs directly and resolve the dependencies manually. Download the required rpms and its dependent rpms from below link:


To know more about rpms and its dependent rpms, visit the following Oracle website:


You can install the rpms in the following order:

yum localinstall libRmath-3.1.1-2.el6.x86_64.rpm
yum localinstall libRmath-devel-3.1.1-2.el6.x86_64.rpm
yum localinstall libRmath-static-3.1.1-2.el6.x86_64.rpm
yum localinstall R-core-3.1.1-2.el6.x86_64.rpm
yum localinstall R-devel-3.1.1-2.el6.x86_64.rpm
yum localinstall R-3.1.1-2.el6.x86_64.rpm

Once the rpms are installed, you can validate the installation , using the below procedure:

go to /usr/lib64/R directory on the database, as oracle user, type R:

You must see the output below:

type q() to exit from the R interface.

And repeat on the rest of the db nodes, if you are on RAC.

To install R distribution, use the procedure below:

rpm -e R-Rversion
rpm -e R-devel
rpm -e R-core
rpm -e libRmath-devel
rpm -e libRmath
 In the blog post, I will demonstrate how to configure Oracle R Enterprise.