
FAQ: Oracle mutexes

I have come across of an interesting FAQ about Oracle mutexes while surfing the net. The following link would take you to the FAQ: Oracle mutexes page where you can find some very good information about the Oracle mutex behavior and it's functionality:


happy reading,



crs_stat has been deprecated in 11gR2

While reading whats new and whats deprecated in Oracle 11gR2, I came across of the following:

  • Command crs_stat has been deprecated  in 11gR2, do not use it anymore, to find out all user resource state use, $GRID_HOME/bin/crsctl stat res -t
  •  By default ora.gsd is OFFLINE if there's no 9i database in the cluster, ora.oc4j is OFFLINE in as Database Workload Management(DBWLM) is unavailable.

By the way, in 11gR2 or above, you can use the below command to find out the clusterware process state:

  • $GRID_HOME/bin/crsctl stat res -t -init