
What's new in 19c - Part I (Grid Infrastructure)

Every new Oracle release comes with bundle of new features and enhancements. Though not every new feature is really needed to everyone, there are few new features that worth considering. As part of 19c new features article series, this post is about the new features introduced in Grid Infrastructure. This blog post focuses on some real useful GI features with deprecated and de-supported features in 19.2.

Dry-run to validate Cluster upgrade readiness

Whether it's a new installation or upgrade from previous version to latest version, system readiness is the key factor for success. With 19c, Cluster upgrade can have a dry-run to ensure the system readiness without actually performing the upgrade of the cluster. To determine if the system is ready for the upgrade, run the upgrade in dry-run mode. During the dry-run upgrade, you can click the Help button on the installer page to understand what is being done or asked.

Use the command below from the 19c binaries home to run the cluster upgrade in Dry-run mode:

$ gridSetup.sh -dryRunForUpgrade

Once you run through with all the interactive screens for dry-run, check the gridSetupActions<timestamp>.log file for errors and fix them for real upgrade run.

Multiple ASMBn

It is a common practice to have multiple disk groups in a RAC environment. It is also possible to have some disk groups in MOUNT state and some disk groups in DISMOUNT state on a DB node. However, when a db instance on a node try to communicate (startup) with the DISMOUNT disk group will throw errors.

Multiple ASMB project allows for the database to use DISK GROUPS across multiple ASM instances simultaneously.  This enhancement provides the HA to RAC stack by allowing DB to use multiple disk groups even if a given ASM instance happens to have some DISMOUNT disk groups.

AddNode and Cloning with Installer Wizard

Adding a new node and the functionality of installing a gold image (cloning) is simplified and made easy in 19c. Adding new node and Cloning homes now directly available with Installer Wizard, you no longer need to use add node.sh and clone.pl scripts. These commands will be depreciated in the upcoming releases.

Run ./gridSetup.sh to start the installer.

In the upcoming blog, I will discuss about ASM 19c features.

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